New STEM Building Slated to Open Fall 2020

As you know, we are embarking on a new Biology and Chemistry teaching lab building which is currently called the “STEM Building”. This has been a wonderful collaboration between our Department, Chemistry and the College of Science. The new building is slated to open to our first classes August 2020 (just two years away!). The team has designed 12 Biology labs in the new 4 story building with Biology labs on each floor. We also have designed a dedicated Biology Prep/Storage room which will be a huge improvement in helping us manage our classrooms. As of today, we expect that the lab sections associated with BIOL 110/111, 135/135, 203/204, 205/206, 232/242, and 301/302 will be taught in STEM. Additionally, we continue to work on course schedules in an effort to move a few additional smaller lab courses to the new building. It should be an exciting time for our students and instructors and something that we should all embrace as a positive step for the Department.
For those of you who enjoy following construction projects you can monitor progress each day by looking at the timeline from a webcam positioned on the roof of Hovde. Click Read more below renderings.
Steve Konieczny