Mattoo lab crystallizes a Pasteurella multocida toxin with a novel enzymatic fold

Pasteurella multocida is a bacterium that causes respiratory tract infections in a broad range of animals, as well as opportunistic infections in humans. P. multocida secretes a multi-domain toxin, called PfhB2, that induces host cell toxicity by virtue of its Fic domains. PfhB2 contains an additional domain, called PfhB2-YopT, that is predicted to function as a protease that cleaves host Rho GTPases. Dr. Mattoo’s lab showed that PfhB2-YopT does not function as a conventional protease, as predicted. Instead, they crystallized PfhB2-YopT to reveal that it may represent a novel enzymatic fold with no structural homology to any known proteins.
S. Kumar, V. Hedrick, and S. Mattoo*. YopT domain of PfhB2 toxin from Pasteurella multocida: protein expression, characterization, crystallization and crystallographic analysis. Acta Crystallographica. F74: