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Purdue Science award winners at the 2017 Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium


The 2017 Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium on April 11th in the Purdue Memorial Union ballrooms featured 75 poster presentations by students from the College of Science.  We are proud of Biological Sciences representation, all five College of Science award winners were students from the Department of Biological Sciences.  Congratulations to our Winners!

First Place: Ellie Reinhart, "The Effects of Secondary Microplastics on the Relationship Between a Trematode Parasite, Schistosoma Mansoni, and Its Intermediate and Definitive Hosts," $250
Second Place: Kendra Wang, "Functional Studies of the Central Noradrenergic System in Visual Cortex with Optogenetics," $150
Third Place Three way tie:
Sahej Bains, "Mutational and Biochemical Analysis of Isoprenylcysteine Carboxyl Methyltransferase," $100
Kenny Nguyen, "Parkin-Mediated Mitochondrial Turnover in Drosophila Nerve Terminals in Vivo," $100
Rebecca Steele, "Characterizing the Effects of the Conditional Deletion of Mist1 in PDAC Progression," $100
With Dr. Dennis Minchella, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, College of Science and Dr. Frank Dooley, Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning.

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