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Professor Daniel Suter organizes and presents at the Heraeus Seminar on Neuronal Mechanics


Neuronal Mechanics is an emerging field in neuroscience. The advances of biophysical and imaging technologies have enabled researcher to investigate the forces that neurons and glial cells sense and respond to during development and disease states. Daniel Suter has organized the 622. Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Seminar on Neuronal Mechanics, August 17-19, 2016, at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany, together with Kristian Franze, University of Cambridge, and Kyle Miller, Michigan State University. This conference brings together young and experienced scientists from Europe and the USA, who work in the nascent field of neuromechanics, experimentalists and theorists, physicists and biologists alike. This is already the second meeting on this topic organized by Franze, Miller, and Suter, who previously organized the NSF-funded Mathematical Bioscience Institute (MBI) workshop on "Axonal Transport and Neuronal Mechanics", at Ohio State University, Columbus OH, November 3-7, 2014. Daniel Suter will also give a seminar entitled "Mechanosensing and -response by neuronal growth cones" at the conference in Bad Honnef.

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