Dr. Gribskov Presents at National University of Colombia

August 10 – 14
Determination of the expression level of mRNA on a genome wide scale using next-generation sequencing techniques is a powerful tool for understanding growth and development, analyzing pathogens, improving crops, and improving human health. Dr. Michael Gribskov (Professor of Biological Sciences and Computer Science by courtesy) presented a workshop entitited "Differential gene expression analysis using RNA-SEQ" to a group of over thirty faculty and post-graduate researchers at the National University of Colombia (UNAL). The workshop included over 50 hours of instruction covering both theoretical and hands-on application of transcriptomic analysis methods. The course was hosted by Drs. Esperanza Torres and Emiliano Barreto of UNAL, and is part of an ongoing effort to build relationships between educational institutions in Colombia and Purdue as part of the Colombia Purdue Institute.