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Selected Publications

  1. Schober, JM, S Wesley, I Taylor, B Ault, C Plue, MM Bergman, JR Lucas, GS Fraley. 2025. Sex differences in blood pressure responses of Pekin ducks to sound stimuli and conspecific vocalizations. Poultry Science 104:104735

  2. Schober, J.M., J. Merritt, M. Ulrey, T.Y. Yap, J.R. Lucas, G.S. Fraley. 2024. Vocalizations of the Pekin duck (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus): How stimuli, sex, and social groups affect their vocal repertoire. Poultry Science 103(7):103738

  3. Zhang C, Z Zheng, JR Lucas, Y Wang, X Fan, X Zhao, J Feng, C Sun, T Jiang. 2024. Do bats’ social vocalizations conform to Zipf’s law of brevity and the Menzerath-Altmann law? iScience 27:110401

  4. Zhang C, L Ji, Z Li, JR Lucas, J Feng, C Sun, T Jiang. 2024. Resting posture drives the evolution of agonistic displays in bats. Evolution

  5. Zhang C, Z Zheng, JR Lucas, J Feng, C Sun, T Jiang. 2024. Geographical variation and discrimination of social calls in male great Himalayan leaf-nosed bats: do functionally similar calls have similar patterns? Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology

  6. Legett HD, Lucas JR, Craig EC, Staudinger MD. 2023. Variation in isotopic niche partitioning between adult roseate and common terns in the Northwest Atlantic. Endangered Species Research 50:235-247

  7. Zhang C, Lucas JR, Feng J, Jiang T, Sun C. 2023. Population-level lateralization of boxing displays enhances fighting success in male Great Himalayan leaf-nosed bats. Ecology & Evolution 13: e9879

  8. Goller B, Baumhardt P, Katzner T, Fernandez-Juricic E, Lucas JR. 2022. Selecting auditory deterrents for eagles on the basis of auditory evoked potentials. Conservation Physiology 10(1): coac059; doi:10.1093/conphys/coac059. 

  9. Barabas AJ, Soini HA, Novotny MV, Erasmus MA, Lucas JR, Cheng H-W, Palme R, Gaskill BN. 2022. Assessing the effect of compounds from plantar foot sweat, nesting material, and urine on social behavior in male mice, Mus musculus. PLOS One 17(11):e0276844 

  10. Barabas AJ, JR Lucas, MA Erasmus, H-W Cheng, BN Gaskill. 2021. Who’s the boss? Assessing convergent validity of dominance measures in male laboratory mice, Mus musculus. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8:695948. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2021.695948 

  11. Barabas, AJ, HA Soini, MV Novotny, DR Williams, JR Lucas, MA Erasmus, H Cheng, BN Gaskill. 2021. Compounds from plantar foot sweat, nesting material, and urine show strain patterns associated with affiliative behaviors in group housed male mice, Mus musculus. PLoS One 16(5):e0251416 

  12. Zhang, CM, Sun C, Lucas JR, Gu H, Feng J, Jiang T. 2021 Individuality and function of chemical signals in conflict resolution of a mammal. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences DOI: 10.1111/nyas.14712 

  13. Zhang C, Sun C, Lucas JR, Feng J, Jiang T. 2021. Acoustic signal dominance in the multimodal communication of a nocturnal mammal. Current Zoology 

  14. Richardson KEG, DP Roche, SG Mugel, ND Lancaster, KE Sieving, TM Freeberg, JR Lucas. 2022. Social dynamics of core members in mixed-species bird flocks change across a gradient of foraging habitat quality. PLOS One 17(2):e0262385 

  15. Caetano-Anollés K, Ewers B, Iyer S, Lucas JR, Pavlic TP, Seale AP, Zeng Y. 2021. A minimal framework for living systems: a multi-dimensional view of life across scales. Integrative and Comparative Biology

  16. Sun, C, Zhang,C, Lucas JR, Gu H, Feng J, Jiang T. 2021. Vocal performance reflects individual quality in male Himalayan leaf-nosed bats (Hipposideros armiger). Integrative Zoology.

  17. Sun C., Zhang C, Lucas JR, Lin A. Feng J, Jiang T. 2021. Territorial calls of the bat Hipposideros armiger may encode multiple types of information: body mass, dominance rank and individual identity. Animal Cognition.

  18. Bai J, T Freeberg, JR Lucas, KE Sieving. 2021. A community context for aggression? Multi-species audience effects on territorial aggression in two species of Paridae. Ecology and Evolution 11:5305-5319.

  19. Coppinger, BA, S Kania, JR Lucas, KE Sieving, TM Freeberg. 2020. Experimental manipulation of mixed-species flocks reveals heterospecific audience effects on calling. Animal Behaviour 167:193-207 

  20. Anderson NC, SA Thomovsky, JR Lucas, T Kushiro-Banker, S Radcliffe, KR Stewart, DC Lay Jr. 2019. Auditory brainstem responses in weaning pigs and three ages of sows.  Translational Animal Science 3(4):1416-1422

  21. Freeberg TM, KE Gentry, KE Sieving, JR Lucas. 2019. On understanding the nature and evolution of social cognition: a need for the study of communication. Animal Behaviour 155:279-286

  22. Gentry KE, D Roche, S Mugel, N Lancaster, KE Sieving, TM Freeberg, JR. Lucas. 2019. Flocking propensity by satellites, but not core members of mixed-species flocks, increases when individuals experience energetic deficits in a poor-quality foraging habitat. PLoS ONE 14(1):e0209680

  23. Lucas, JR, K Gentry, KE Sieving, TM Freeberg. 2018. Communication as a fundamental part of Machiavellian Intelligence. Journal of Comparative Psychology 132(4):442-454

  24. Ronald KL, E Fernandez-Juricic, JR Lucas. 2018. Mate choice in the eye and ear of the beholder? Female multimodal sensory configuration influences her preferences. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: 20180713

  25. Ronald KL, AL Ensminger, MD Shawkey, JR Lucas, E Fernández-Juricic. 2017. Testing a key assumption in animal communication: between-individual variation in female visual systems can alter the perception of male signals. Biology Open 6(12):1771-1783

  26. Ronald KL, T Sesterhenn, E Fernandez-Juricic, JR Lucas. 2017. The sensory substrate of multimodal animal communication: are females sensory ‘specialists’ or ‘generalists’?  J Comparative Physiology A 203:935-943

  27. Ronald, KL, R Zeng, R Stewart, D White, E Fernandez-Juricic, JR Lucas. 2017. What makes a multimodal signal attractive? A preference function approach.  Behavioral Ecology 28:677-687

  28. Freeberg, TM, SK Eppert, KE Sieving, JR Lucas. 2017. Diversity in mixed species groups improves problem solving in food finding in a wild songbird community. Scientific Reports 7:43014

  29. Henry KS, MD Gall, A Vélez, JR Lucas. 2016. Avian auditory processing at four different scales: variation among species, seasons, sexes and individuals. In M.A. Bee & C.T. Miller (eds): Psychological Mechanisms in Animal Communication. Springer. Pp 17-55

  30. Butler SR, EC Hosinski, JR Lucas, E Fernández-Juricic. 2016.  Social birds copy each other’s lateral scans while monitoring group mates with low-acuity vision.  Animal Behaviour 121:21-31

  31. Ronald, K.L., Skillman, T., Lin, A., Li, Q., Fernández-Juricic, E., Lucas, J.R. 2015.  Watch your tone: Social conditions modulate singing strategies. Ethology 121:1104-1115

  32. Velez, A, MD Gall, JR Lucas. 2015. Seasonal plasticity in auditory processing of the envelope and temporal fine structure of sounds in three songbirds. Animal Behavior 103: 53-63.

  33. Velez, A, MD Gall, J Fu, JR Lucas. 2015. Song structure, not high-frequency song content, determines high-frequency auditory sensitivity in nine species of New World sparrows (Passeriformes: Emberizidae). Functional Ecology 29: 487-497

  34. Lucas JR, A Velez & KS Henry. 2015. Habitat-related differences in auditory processing of complex tones and vocal signal properties in four songbirds. Journal of Comparative Physiology A DOI 10.1007/s00359-015-0986-7

  35. Kellam, JS, & JR Lucas. 2014. Exogenous testosterone in male downy woodpeckers leads to reduced calling behavior of both males and their female partners during the non-breeding period.  Wilson Journal of Ornithology 126:249-260

  36. Randolet, J, Jr Lucas & E Fernández-Juricic. 2014. Non-Redundant social information use in avian flocks with multisensory stimuli.  Ethology 120:375-387

  37. Gall, MD, T Salameh & JR Lucas. 2013. Songbird frequency selectivity and temporal resolution vary with sex and season. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 280:20122296

  38. Gall, MD, K Ronald, E Bestrom & JR Lucas. 2012. Effects of habitat and urbanization on the active space of brown-headed cowbird song. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 132:4053-4062

  39. Ronald, KL, E Fernandez-Juricic & JR Lucas. 2012. Taking the sensory approach: individual differences in auditory and visual perception can influence mate choice. Animal Behaviour 84:1283-1294

  40. Krams, I, T Krama, TM Freeberg, C Kullberg, & JR Lucas. 2012. Social complexity and vocal complexity: a Parid perspective. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 367:1879-1891

  41. Gall,MD, LE Brierley & JR Lucas. 2012. The sender-receiver matching hypothesis: support from the peripheral coding of acoustic features in songbirds. Journal of Experimental Biology 215:3742-3751

  42. Gall, MD, KS Henry & JR Lucas. 2012. Two measures of temporal resolution in brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater). Journal of Comparative Physiology A 198:61-68

  43. Freeberg, TM, JR Lucas & I Krams. 2012. Complexity of the chick-a-dee call of Carolina chickadees: lessons for language? American Scientist 100:398-407

  44. Freeberg, TM & JR Lucas. 2012. Information Theoretical Approaches to Chick-a-dee Calls of Carolina Chickadees (Poecile carolinensis). Journal of Comparative Psychology 126:68-81

  45. Gall, MD, LE Brierley & JR Lucas. 2011. Species and sex effects on auditory processing in brown-headed cowbirds and red-winged blackbirds. Animal Behaviour 81:973-982

  46. Henry KS, MD Gall, G Bidelman & JR Lucas. 2011. Songbirds trade off auditory frequency resolution and temporal resolution. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 197:351-359

  47. Gall, MD & JR Lucas. 2010. Sex differences in auditory filters of brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater). Journal of Comparative Physiology A 196:559-567

  48. Henry, KS & JR Lucas. 2010. Auditory sensitivity and the frequency selectivity of auditory filters in the Carolina chickadee, Poecile carolinensis. Animal Behaviour 80:497-507

  49. Henry, KS & JR Lucas. 2010. Habitat-related differences in frequency selectivity of auditory filters in songbirds.  Functional Ecology 24:614-624

  50. Henry, KS & JR Lucas. 2009. Vocally-correlated seasonal auditory variation in the house sparrow, Passer domesticus. Journal of Experimental Biology 212:3817-3822

  51. Nolen, MT & JR Lucas. 2009. Asymmetries in mob initiation and correlated intensity during predator mobbing by nuthatches, chickadees, and titmice. Animal Behaviour 77:1137-1146

  52. Henry, KS & JR Lucas. 2008. Coevolution of auditory sensitivity and temporal resolution with acoustic signal space in three songbirds. Animal Behaviour 76:1659-1671

  53. Lucas, JR & RD Howard. 2008. Modeling Alternative Mating Tactics as Dynamic Games. In RF Oliveira, M. Taborsky & J. Brockmann (eds.) Alternative Reproductive Tactics. Cambridge Univ. Press, pp 63-82

  54. Lucas, JR & TM Freeberg. 2007. “Information” and the chick-a-dee call: communicating with a complex vocal system". In KA Otter (ed), Ecology and Behavior of Chickadees and Titmice: an integrated approach. Oxford Univ. Press [for book link, see]

  55. Lucas JR, TM Freeberg, GR Long, & A Krishnan. 2007. Seasonal variation in avian auditory evoked responses to tones: a comparative analysis of Carolina chickadees, tufted titmice, and white-breasted nuthatches. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 193:201-215

  56. Lucas JR, TM Freeberg, J Egbert & H Schwabl. 2006. Corticosterone, body mass, and caching rates of Carolina chickadees from disturbed and undisturbed sites. Hormones & Behavior 49:634-643

  57. Kellam, JS, JR Lucas & JC Wingfield. 2006. The role of testosterone in male downy woodpeckers (Picoides pubescens) in winter home range use, mate interactions, and female foraging behavior. Animal Behaviour 71:695-707

  58. Garamszegi,LZ & JR Lucas. 2005. Continental variation in relative hippocampal volume in birds: the phylogenetic extent of the effect and the role of wintering temperatures. Biology Letters 1:330-333

  59. Lucas, JR, A Brodin, SR de Kort & NS Clayton. 2004. Does hippocampal size correlate with the degree of caching specialization? Proceedings of the Royal Society B 271:2423-2429

  60. Kellam, JS, JC Wingfield & JR Lucas. 2004. Annual cycle of testosterone and non-breeding season pairing behavior in male and female downy woodpeckers. Hormones and Behavior. 46:703-714

  61. Clucas, BA, TM Freeberg & JR Lucas. 2004. Chick-a-dee call syntax, social context, and season affect vocal responses of Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis). Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 57:187-196

  62. Boyko, AR, RM Gibson & JR Lucas. 2004. How predation risk affects the temporal dynamics of avian leks: sage grouse vs. golden eagles. American Naturalist 163:154-165

  63. Freeberg, T.M., JR. Lucas & B Clucas. 2003. Variation in chick-a-dee calls of a population of Carolina chickadees, Poecile carolinensis: identity and redundancy within note types. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 113:2127-2136

  64. Lucas, J.R., T.M. Freeberg, A. Krishnan & G. Long. 2002. A comparative study of avian auditory brainstem responses: correlations with phylogeny and vocal complexity, and seasonal effects. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 188:981-992

  65. Harris, WE & JR Lucas. 2002. A state-based model of sperm allocation in a group-breeding salamander. Behavioral Ecology 13:705-712.

  66. Freeberg, TM & JR Lucas. 2002. Receivers respond differently to chick-a-dee calls varying in note composition in Carolina Chickadees (Poecile carolinensis). Animal Behaviour 63:837-845.

  67. Pravosudov,VV & JR Lucas. 2001. Daily patterns of energy management in food-caching birds and diurnal predation risk: a dynamic model. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 50:239-250.

  68. Pravosudov,VV & JR Lucas. 2001. A dynamic model of energy management in small food-caching passerine birds. Behavioral Ecology 12:207-218.

  69. Lucas, JR, VV Pravosudov & DL Zielinski. 2001. A re-evaluation of the logic of pilferage effects, predation risk and environmental variability on avian energy regulation: the critical role of time budgets. Behavioral Ecology 12:246-260.

  70. Pravosudov, VV & JR Lucas. 2000. The costs of being cool: a dynamic model of nocturnal hypothermia by small food-caching birds in winter. Journal of Avian Biology 31:463-472.

  71. Pravosudov, VV & JR Lucas. 2000. The effect of social dominance on fattening and food-caching behavior in Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis). Animal Behaviour 60:483-493.

  72. Lucas, JR, A Schraeder & C Jackson.1999. Carolina chickadee (Aves, Paridae, Poecile carolinensis) vocalization rates: effects of body mass and food availability under aviary conditions. Ethology 105:503-520.

  73. Lucas, JR & DL Zielinski. 1998. Seasonal variation in the effect of cache pilferage on cache and body mass regulation in Carolina chickadees: what are the trade-offs? Behavioral Ecology 9:193-200.

  74. Lucas, JR, SR Creel & PM Waser. 1997. Dynamic optimization, kin selection and dispersal strategies: an evaluation of future fitness effects. In N. Solomon & J. French (eds.), Cooperative breeding in mammals. Cambridge Univ Press., Cambridge Pp 171-198.

  75. Lucas, JR, RD Howard & JG Palmer. 1996. Callers and satellites: chorus behaviour in anurans as a stochastic dynamic game. Animal Behaviour 51:501-518

  76. Lucas, JR, SR Creel & PM Waser. 1996. How to measure inclusive fitness, revisited. Animal Behaviour 51:225-228

  77. Lucas, JR & RD Howard. 1995. On alternative reproductive tactics in anurans: dynamic games with density- and frequency-dependence. American Naturalist 146:365-397

  78. Lucas, JR, L Peterson & R Boudinier. 1993. The effects of time constraints and changes in body mass and satiation on the simultaneous expression of caching and diet-choice decisions. Animal Behaviour 45:639-658.

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