Colicins, Receptors, Channels, Import
- Cramer, W. A. (2022) Chapters in the Colicin Story, apres F. Jacob, Virus (Paris), in press
Cramer, W.A., O. Sharma, and S. D. Zakharov (2018) On Mechanisms of Colicin Import: an Outer Membrane Quandary. Biochem J., 475, 3903-3915.
Zakharov, S. D. et al. (2016). The Colicin E1 TolC-binding conformer: Pillar or Pore Function in Colicin Import. Biochemistry, 55, 5084-5094.
Celia, H., N. Noinaj, S. D. Zakharov, E. Bordignon. I. Botos, M. Santamaria, R. Lloubes, and S. K. Buchanan (2016) Structural Insight into the role of the Ton Complex in Energy Transduction. Nature, 538: 60-65. doi: 10.1038/nature19757. PMID: 27654919
Agarwal, R., S. D. Zakharov, S. S. Hasan, C. M. Ryan, J. P. Whitelegge, and W. A. Cramer. 2014. Structure-Function of Cyanobacterial Outer-Membrane Protein, Slr1270: Homolog of E. coli drug Export/Colicin Import Protein, TolC. FEBS Lett., 588, 3793-3801. PMID: 25218435
Hasan, S. S., et al. 2013. Methods for Studying Interactions of Detergents and Lipids with a α-Helical and β-Barrel Integral Membrane Proteins, Curr. Prot. Prot. Sci. Sup. 74:29.7.1-29.7.30. doi: 10.1002/0471140864.ps2907s74. PMID: 24510648 [PubMed – in process].
Sharma, O., S. D. Zakharov, M. V. Zhalnina, E. Yamashita, and W. A. Cramer. 2013. Colicins, in Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides (A. Kastin, ed; section ed., R. E. W. Hancock), Academic Press, Chap. 17: 93-100.
Zakharov, S. D., O. Sharma, M. Zhalnina, E. Yamashita, and W. A. Cramer. 2012. Pathways of Colicin Import: Utilization of BtuB, OmpF Porin, and the TolC Drug Export Protein, Biochemical Soc. Transactions, 40, 1463-1468. PMID: 23176499
Jakes, K., and W. A. Cramer. 2012. Border Crossings - Colicins and Transporters. Annual Reviews of Genetics, 46, 209-231. PMID: 22934645
Cramer, W. A., S. D. Zakharov, E. Yamashita, S. Saif Hasan, H. Zhang, D. Baniulis, M. V. Zhalnina, G. M. Soriano, J. C. Rochet, C. Ryan, and J. Whitelegge. 2011. Membrane Proteins in Four Acts: Function Precedes Structure Determination. For Methods: Membrane Protein Technologies for Structural Biology (ed., R. Stevens), 55, 415-420. Elsevier Press, San Diego. PMID: 22079407 PMCID: PMC328554
Souda, P., C. M. Ryan, W. A. Cramer, and J. Whitelegge. 2011. Profiling of Integral Membrane Proteins and Their Post-translational Modifications Using High-resolution Mass Spectrometry, Methods of Membrane Protein Expression and Stabilization (R. Stevens, ed.), For Methods: Membrane Protein Technologies for Structural Biology (ed., R. Stevens), 55, 330-336, Elsevier Press, San Diego.
Sharma, O., K. A. Datsenko, S. C. Ess, M. V. Zhalnina, B. L. Wanner, and W. A. Cramer. 2009. Genome-wide screens: novel mechanisms in colicin import and cytotoxicity. Molecular Microbiology, 73, 571-585. PMID: 19650773 PMCID: PMC3100173
Zakharov, S. D., O. Sharma, O., M. Zhalnina, and W. A. Cramer (2008) Primary Events in the Colicin Translocon: FRET Analysis of Colicin Unfolding Initiated by Binding to BtuB and OmpF. Biochemistry 47: 12802-12809. PMID: 18936168
Yamashita, E., M. V. Zhalnina, S. D. Zakharov, O. Sharma, and W. A. Cramer (2008) Crystal structures of the OmpF porin: function in a colicin translocon. EMBO J., 27, 2171-2180. PMID: 18636093 PMCID: PMC2516885
Zakharov, S. D., J. D. Hulleman, E. A. Dutseva, Y. N. Antonenko, J.-C. Rochet, and W. A. Cramer. 2007. Helical a-Synuclein Forms Highly Conductive Ion Channels. Biochemistry, 46, 14369-14379. PMID: 18031063
Sharma, O., E. Yamashita, M. Zhalnina, S. D. Zakharov, K. Datsenko, B. L. Wanner, and W. A. Cramer. 2007. Structure of the Complex of the Colicin E2 R-Domain and Its BtuB Receptor: The Outer Membrane Colicin Translocon. J. Biol. Chem, 282:23163-23170. PMID: 17548346
Sharma, O., and W. A. Cramer. 2007. Minimum length requirement of the flexible N-terminal translocation sub-domain of colicin E1. J. Bacteriol., 189: 363-368. PMID: 17085563 PMCID: PMC1797411
Zakharov, S. D., M. V. Zhalnina, O. Sharma, and W. A. Cramer. 2006. The Colicin E3 Outer Membrane Translocon: Immunity Protein Release Allows Interaction of Cytotoxic Domain with OmpF Porin. Biochemistry, 45: 10199-10207. PMID: 16922495
Sharma, O., S. D. Zakharov, and W. A. Cramer. 2006. Colicins: Section on Bacterial/Antibiotic Peptides (ed., R. E. W. Hancock) in Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides. (A. J. Kastin, ed.), pp. 115-123, Elsevier, San Diego
Sobko, A. A., E. A. Kotova, Y. N. Antonenko, S. D. Zakharov, and W. A. Cramer. 2006. Lipid Dependence of the Channel Properties of Colicin E1 - Lipid Toroidal Pore. J. Biol. Chem., 281:14408-14416. PMID: 16556601
Zhang, H., & W. A. Cramer. 2005. Problems in obtaining diffraction-quality crystals of hetero-oligomeric integral membrane proteins. J. Struct. Funct. Genomics (NIGMS Protein Production and Crystallization Workshop), 6: 219-223. PMID: 16211522
Misquitta, L. V., Y. Misquitta, V. Cherezov, O. Slattery, J. M. Mohan, D. Hart, M. Zhalnina, W. A. Cramer, and M. Caffrey. 2004. Membrane protein crystallization in lipidic mesophases with tailored bilayers. Structure, 12: 2113-2124. PMID: 15576026
A. A. Sobko, M. A. Vigasina, T. I. Rokitskaya, E. A. Kotova, S. D. Zakharov, W. A. Cramer, and Y. N. Antonenko. 2004. Chemical and Photochemical Modification of Colicin E1 and Gramicidin A in Bilayer Lipid Membranes. J. Mem. Biol., 199: 51-62. PMID: 15366423
Zakharov, S. D., V. Eurokova, T. I. Rokitskaya, M. V. Zhalnina, O. Sharma, P. J. Loll, H. I. Zgurskaya, Y. N. Antonenko, and W. A. Cramer. 2004. Colicin Occlusion of OmpF and TolC Channels: Outer Membrane Channels for Colicin Import. Biophys. J., 87: V.87. 3901-3911. PMID: 15465872 (PMCID: PMC 1304901)
Zakharov, S. D., E. A. Kotova, Y. N. Antonenko, and W. A. Cramer. 2004. On the role of lipid in colicin pore formation. Biochim. Biophys. Rev. Biomembranes, 1666: 239-249. PMID: 15519318.
Sobko, A., E. A. Kotova,Y. Antonenko, S. D. Zakharov, & W. A. Cramer. 2004. Effect of lipids with different spontaneous curvature on the channel activity of colicin E1: evidence in favor of a toroidal pore. FEBS Lett., 576: 205-210. PMID: 15474038
Zakharov, S. D. & W. A. Cramer 2004. On the mechanism & pathway of colicin import across the outer membrane. Frontiers in Science, 9: 1311-1317. PMID: 14977546
Kurisu, G., S. D. Zakharov, M. V. Zhalnina, S. Bano, Y Eroukova, T. Rokitskaya, Y Antonenko, M. C. Wiener & W. A. Cramer. 2003. The structure of BtuB with bound colicin E3 R-domain implies a translocon. Nat. Struct Biol., 10: 948-954.PMID: 14528295
Zakharov, S. D., T. I. Rokitskaya, Y. N. Antonenko, & W. A. Cramer. 2002. Tuning the membrane surface potential for colicin channel activity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA, 99: 8654-8659. PMID: 12060711 (PMCID: PMC124348)
Zakharov, S. D., and WA Cramer. 2002. Colicin crystal structures: pathways and mechanisms for colicin insertion into membranes. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (Biomembranes), 1565: 333-346. PMID: 12409205
Zakharov, S. D., & W. A. Cramer. 2002. The insertion intermediates of pore-forming colicins in two-dimensional space. Biochimie (special issue on Bacterial-Derived Antimicrobial Toxins; eds., R. Buckingham, M. de Zamaroczy, & Y. Cenatiempo), 84: 465-475. PMID: 12423790
Rokitskaya, T. I., Zakharov, S. D., Y. N. Antonenko, E. A. Kotova, and W. A. Cramer. 2001. Tryptophan-dependent sensitized photoinactivation of colicin E1 channels in lipid bilayers. FEBS Lett.,505: 147-150. PMID: 11557058
Lindeberg, M. L., & W. A. Cramer. 2001. Identification of Specific Residues in Colicin E1 Involved in Immunity Protein Recognition. J. Bacteriol. 183: 2132-2136. PMID: 1122616 (PMCID: PMC 95113)
Griko, Y., S. D. Zakharov, and W. A. Cramer 2000. Structural stability and domain organization of colicin E1. J. Mol. Biol. 302: 941-953. PMID: 10993734
Taylor, R., S. D. Zakharov, J. B. Heymann, M. E. Girvin, and W. A. Cramer. 2000. Folded state of the integral membrane colicin E1 immunity protein in solvents of mixed polarity. Biochemistry 39: 12131-12139. PMID: 11015191
Lindeberg, M. and W. A. Cramer. 2000. Unfolding pathway of the colicin E1 channel domain at the membrane surface. J. Mol. Biol. 29: 679-692. PMID: 10623556