Welcome to the Gardner Lab


Features of undergraduate biology student mechanistic reasoning about biological systems

Current Project:

Mechanistic reasoning about systems. Understanding the majority of biological phenomena requires an understanding of mechanisms in which one must identify and define the important entities and describe how the entities interact over space and time to give rise to the observed phenomenon. However, in complex systems there are multiple mechanisms that interact within one level of organization (e.g., molecular level) and across levels to produce the phenomenon. The work in this project draws from classic findings in the learning sciences and extends it to undergraduate biology and in the context of important biological systems, such as biofilms.


Relevant Publication:

Lira, M. E., & Gardner, S. M. (2017). Structure-Function Relations in Physiology Education: Where's the Mechanism? Advances in Physiology Education, 41(2), 270-278. doi:10.1152/advan.00175.2016